Please take a few minutes to read the following release notes. It will greatly enhance and lengthen your life, as well as increasing your potency by twelve-fold.
Because I managed to catch a horrible head-cold this week, I've been instructed by my doctor to relax and take it easy for a few days. Instead, I used my new-found free time to get to know ANSI Mouse once again. I hadn't looked at the source code since Thanksgiving 1990... it's been nearly a year. Since there were many complaints about ANSI Mouse not working with System 7 and ANSI Mouse bombing, and ANSI Mouse carting away bushels of screaming infants, I thought I would give it a once-over and release it again.
Basically all I've done is recompile it and remove a few bugs. It will, however, work fine with System 7.0 now, and there shouldn't be any more weirdo crashes popping out of no where. I haven't tested this on anything but my SE/30, but I'm assuming (naively, I'm sure) that it will work fine for everyone. Please let me know if this isn't the case and I'll do what I can. These head colds can last up to 2 weeks.
Here's a little list of what I've done to it since 0.6ß5:
1. Fixed screen update problem where colors didn't appear correctly.
2. Removed nifty music from About... box.
3. Put some new pictures into the program (nothing exciting).
4. Changed the display of some dialogs.
5. Fixed the bug wherein all windows had a chance of appearing behind other ones.
6. Made it multi-finder/System 7 and 32-bit mode compatible.
7. Fixed bugs in Colorize Selection and Stylize Selection so that the screen is fully
8. Corrected problems with Exporting Text so that exported text doesn't contain
extraneous commands.
9. Disabled Export To Resource in this version. Look for it being re-instated in 0.7ß1.
10.Fixed paste-in problems when pasting in from the desk scrap.
11.Updated the Help feature to include new information (not much new info).
12.Other stuff I can't remember.
There's much more to be done, however, and I'm putting this version of the program out into the world only so that people can use ANSI Mouse with System 7. I have only spent about 3 hours on it since Thanksgiving 1990, so don't expect much. I feel that something is better than nothing (in this case) even if it isn't everything. Capice?
When I get finished with my other side-projects and can find the time away from my school work, I'll get back to revamping ANSI Mouse and putting in all of the nifty features that I have been thinking about. There will be all kinds of neato cool stuff in the next real version. Things like Font Manager support, canned animation effects, screenwipes/scrolls/fade-in's/cinematic effects. Color PICT support. A cure for cancer. Nude pictures of Clarence Thomas holding a can of Coke... the works.
At any rate, I feel that this release of ANSI Mouse will be useful to some of you. Sorry it's taken so long to get to, there have been a jillion other things I've been spending my time on, and judging by the reaction I got from the first few releases, no one is really using this program, and no one cares. If I start to feel like there's a reason to support it, updates will be coming more quickly. Gotta stay with the moneymaking projects, you know?
If you want to support me in my ANSI Mouse endeavors, please feel free to send cash, check, money order, cashier's check, foreign currency, T-bills, monopoly money, or an envelope full of swiss chard to:
Steve Mariotti
1005 Wisteria Circle
Austin, TX 78753
Make all checks, money orders, cashier's checks and swiss chard out to Steve Mariotti.
I can be contacted at the above address, or on AOL at SteveMzz, or on the Internet at, or by modem at:
The Zen Wedgie BBS
(512)836-8255 HST/v32bis
(512)836-7907 2400MNP5
Thanks for reading this file. You have my internal gratitude.